
The Count, Dracula
Single-Target Damager
Max Stat
Talisman slots

Icons | Name | Description |
IMPALER(Present Basic Attack) | • Deals one hit of random damage and one hit of true damage to a single target. | |
BATHED IN BLOOD | • Deals one hit of random damage and one hit of true damage to a single target, increased based on your CURRENT HP. | |
ORDER OF THE DRAGON | Remove Negative Effects, including Silver Effects from all allies if Bleed or Perfect Bleed is present on any enemy at the start of your turn. Inflict Unblockable Sleep for 1 turn on 1 random enemy if Bleed or Perfect Bleed is present on any enemy at the start of your turn. Permanently Increase the MAX HP of all allies by 25% when you are healed. Revive up to 2 random dead allies if you are at full health at the start of your turn and after each action. |