(1 Set) Cosmic Wizard Passive T1
Grants +20% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 15%. Take 90% Reduced damage for the first 3 turns of battle and after being revived. Deal additional true damage to a random enemy equal to 30% of their MAX HP every action. 25% Chance to inflict Unblockable Sleep on a random enemy for 1 turn after every action. This effect does not apply to bosses and can be blocked by effects that specifically grant immunity to sleep.These effects only activate on Merlin Eddie and Merlin.
(1 Set) Cosmic Wizard Passive T2
Grants +30% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 25%. Take 90% Reduced damage for the first 3 turns of battle and after being revived. Deal additional true damage to a random enemy equal to 30% of their MAX HP every action. 25% Chance to inflict Unblockable Sleep on a random enemy for 1 turn after every action. This effect does not apply to bosses and can be blocked by effects that specifically grant immunity to sleep.These effects only activate on Merlin Eddie and Merlin.
(1 Set) Cosmic Wizard Passive T3
Grants +50% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 50%. Take 90% Reduced damage for the first 3 turns of battle and after being revived. Deal additional true damage to a random enemy equal to 30% of their MAX HP every action. 25% Chance to inflict Unblockable Sleep on a random enemy for 1 turn after every action. This effect does not apply to bosses and can be blocked by effects that specifically grant immunity to sleep.These effects only activate on Merlin Eddie and Merlin.