(1 Set) Cosmic Winter Solstice Passive T1
Grants +20% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 15%. Gain immunity to Freeze Effects. Gain Snow Shield or Blizzard Shield for 1 turn at the start of battle and at the start of your turn. Grant Perfect Immunity and Shroud for 1 turn to each ally with Snow Shield or Blizzard Shield at the start of your turn. 25% Chance to Revive you and up to one random ally up to MAX HP, granting you both Blizzard Shield for 1 turn, when you die. This Talisman’s effects only activate when equipped to Coalgiver Eddie, Winter’s Guardian Ragnar, Christmas Ghosts, Possessed Snowman, Ice Eddie, Tiny Tim, Wickerdeer, Yeti and Moonchild named characters.
(1 Set) Cosmic Winter Solstice Passive T2
Grants +30% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 25%. Gain immunity to Freeze Effects. Gain Snow Shield or Blizzard Shield for 1 turn at the start of battle and at the start of your turn. Grant Perfect Immunity and Shroud for 1 turn to each ally with Snow Shield or Blizzard Shield at the start of your turn. 25% Chance to Revive you and up to one random ally up to MAX HP, granting you both Blizzard Shield for 1 turn, when you die. This Talisman’s effects only activate when equipped to Coalgiver Eddie, Winter’s Guardian Ragnar, Christmas Ghosts, Possessed Snowman, Ice Eddie, Tiny Tim, Wickerdeer, Yeti and Moonchild named characters.
(1 Set) Cosmic Winter Solstice Passive T3
Grants +50% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 50%. Gain immunity to Freeze Effects. Gain Snow Shield or Blizzard Shield for 1 turn at the start of battle and at the start of your turn. Grant Perfect Immunity and Shroud for 1 turn to each ally with Snow Shield or Blizzard Shield at the start of your turn. 25% Chance to Revive you and up to one random ally up to MAX HP, granting you both Blizzard Shield for 1 turn, when you die. This Talisman’s effects only activate when equipped to Coalgiver Eddie, Winter’s Guardian Ragnar, Christmas Ghosts, Possessed Snowman, Ice Eddie, Tiny Tim, Wickerdeer, Yeti and Moonchild named characters.