(1 Set) Cosmic Vision Passive T1
Grants +20% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 15%. Revive any ally who dies for the first time each turn with 4 or more Silver and Golden effects on them. Transform one random Silver effect to one random Golden effect for 2 turns on self at the start of your turn. Deal additional hits of true damage to every enemy for each Silver and Golden effect on them after every action. Heal every ally by 10% of their MAX HP for each Silver and Golden effect on them after every action. This Talisman’s effects only activate when equipped to Visions Eddie or Visions of Edorado.
(1 Set) Cosmic Vision Passive T2
Grants +30% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 25%. Revive any ally who dies for the first time each turn with 4 or more Silver and Golden effects on them. Transform one random Silver effect to one random Golden effect for 2 turns on self at the start of your turn. Deal additional hits of true damage to every enemy for each Silver and Golden effect on them after every action. Heal every ally by 10% of their MAX HP for each Silver and Golden effect on them after every action. This Talisman’s effects only activate when equipped to Visions Eddie or Visions of Edorado.
(1 Set) Cosmic Vision Passive T3
Grants +50% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 50%. Revive any ally who dies for the first time each turn with 4 or more Silver and Golden effects on them. Transform one random Silver effect to one random Golden effect for 2 turns on self at the start of your turn. Deal additional hits of true damage to every enemy for each Silver and Golden effect on them after every action. Heal every ally by 10% of their MAX HP for each Silver and Golden effect on them after every action. This Talisman’s effects only activate when equipped to Visions Eddie or Visions of Edorado.