
Killers Eddie
Single-Target Damager
Max Stat
Talisman slots

Icons | Name | Description |
DISPOSE(Past Basic Attack) | • Deals two hits of physical damage to a single target. | |
TASTE OF BLOOD | • Deals two hits of physical damage to a single target. | |
HOMICIDE | • Deal 3 hits of physical damage to a single target. | |
DISMEMBER | • Deal 2 hits of physical damage to a single target. | |
SLAYER | • Deals two hits of physical damage to a single target. | |
EPITAPH | • Heal and Cleanse self. | |
KILLERS | • Deal physical damage to a single target. | |
THE VOICE INSIDE | The first time each enemy dies per turn, inflict Bleed on all other enemies. At the beginning of your turn, heal up to your MAX HP and permanently gain +100% ATK if a single enemy has 4 or more Bleed and Perfect Bleed. Inflict Perfect Bleed for 9 turns on a random enemy after each action. 50% chance to Inflict Perfect Bleed and Bleed to all enemies for 9 turns each time you gain an Extra Turn. |