
2023 Tour Eddie
Single-Target Damager
Max Stat
Talisman slots

Icons | Name | Description |
HUNT(Past Basic Attack) | • Inflict Defense Down and Ignite for 2 turns on target enemy. | |
SCORCHED EARTH | • Inflict 3 Toxic Burns for 2 turns on all enemies. | |
ASSAULT | • Deal a hit of physical damage to a single target. | |
CHAIN KNUCKLE | • Deal a hit of physical damage to a single target. | |
SKIRMISH | • Deal a hit of physical damage to all enemies. | |
RISE | • Deal a hit of physical damage to all enemies. | |
FUTURE PAST | Immune to all Stun, Freeze, Sleep and Skill Disabling effects, including Silver and Innate effects. Inflict Random Burn Effects on all enemies after every action. Grant Trap to all other allies for 2 turns and inflict Taunt on all enemies for 2 turns each time another ally takes damage. Inflict Unblockable Stun for 1 turn and remove all beneficial effects, including Golden effects, of all enemies if there are more enemies than allies at the start of your turn. Gain Endure status for 2 turns if any enemy’s HP is below 50% at the start of your turn. |