
Hogmanay Eddie
Party Healer
Max Stat
Talisman slots

Icons | Name | Description |
KINGSLAYER(Past Basic Attack) | • Deals random damage to a single target. | |
FOR FREEDOM | • Remove Negative Effects from all allies, including Silver Effects. | |
HIGHLANDER | • Deal random damage to a single target that increases based on the target’s Magic. | |
BRAVEST HEART | • Grant self Perfect Revenge for 3 turns. | |
DAUNTLESS | • Deals random damage to all enemies. | |
UNIFY | • Grants Regen, Perfect Hit, and Increased Accuracy to all allies for 3 turns. | |
FIRST-FOOT | Immune to Permadeath Effects, Stun Effects, Passive Disable Effects, Stop and Seal. Hogmanay Eddie cannot be revived. Remove all negative effects, including Silver effects, heal up to MAX HP and grant Good Fortunes to the first ally to heal Hogmanay Eddie or kill an enemy this battle. Remove all beneficial effects, including Golden effects, deal a hit of true damage equal to 50% of MAX HP and inflict Poor Fortunes to the first enemy to deal damage to Hogmanay Eddie or kill an ally this battle. Revive and heal all allies up to MAX HP, granting them Good Fortunes when Hogmanay Eddie reaches 1 HP for the first time each battle. Instantly kill the attacking enemy when Hogmanay Eddie dies for the first time each battle. Can only be countered by Passive Disable applied at the start of battle. |