(1 Set) Cosmic Aesir Passive T1
Grants +25% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 25%. Immune to Magic Damage. Gain Immunity to Damage for 1 turn if Magic Penetration or Ascension are active on self at the start of battle and at the start of your turn. 35% Chance to Gain 1 Power and inflict Shock, Stun or Freeze on attacking enemies for 2 turns when you take damage. This Talisman's effects only activates when equipped to the Thor Eddie and Odin characters.
(1 Set) Cosmic Aesir Passive T2
Grants +50% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 50%. Immune to Magic Damage. Gain Immunity to Damage for 1 turn if Magic Penetration or Ascension are active on self at the start of battle and at the start of your turn. 35% Chance to Gain 1 Power and inflict Shock, Stun or Freeze on attacking enemies for 2 turns when you take damage. This Talisman's effects only activates when equipped to the Thor Eddie and Odin characters.
(1 Set) Cosmic Aesir Passive T3
Grants +75% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 75%. Immune to Magic Damage. Gain Immunity to Damage for 1 turn if Magic Penetration or Ascension are active on self at the start of battle and at the start of your turn. 35% Chance to Gain 1 Power and inflict Shock, Stun or Freeze on attacking enemies for 2 turns when you take damage. This Talisman's effects only activates when equipped to the Thor Eddie and Odin characters.