(1 Set) Cosmic Mongol Passive T1
Grants +20% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 15%. Gain Perfect Immunity for 1 turn whenever this talisman becomes active. Remove and Prevent all Invincibility, Perfect Heal Shield and Physical Block effects on all enemies until they die at the start of battle and at the start of your turn. Permanently Increase ATK on self by +100%. Permanently Reduce DEF and SPECIAL on all enemies by -25% after every action. Deal Additional Physical Damage to each enemy equal to 300% of their MISSING HP if they are at 50% HP or below after every action. This Talisman's effects only activates when equipped to the Khan Eddie, Genghis Khan, Supreme Commander Arakhan or Mongol characters.
(1 Set) Cosmic Mongol Passive T2
Grants +30% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 25%. Gain Perfect Immunity for 1 turn whenever this talisman becomes active. Remove and Prevent all Invincibility, Perfect Heal Shield and Physical Block effects on all enemies until they die at the start of battle and at the start of your turn. Permanently Increase ATK on self by +100%. Permanently Reduce DEF and SPECIAL on all enemies by -25% after every action. Deal Additional Physical Damage to each enemy equal to 300% of their MISSING HP if they are at 50% HP or below after every action. This Talisman's effects only activates when equipped to the Khan Eddie, Genghis Khan, Supreme Commander Arakhan or Mongol characters.
(1 Set) Cosmic Mongol Passive T3
Grants +50% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 50%. Gain Perfect Immunity for 1 turn whenever this talisman becomes active. Remove and Prevent all Invincibility, Perfect Heal Shield and Physical Block effects on all enemies until they die at the start of battle and at the start of your turn. Permanently Increase ATK on self by +100%. Permanently Reduce DEF and SPECIAL on all enemies by -25% after every action. Deal Additional Physical Damage to each enemy equal to 300% of their MISSING HP if they are at 50% HP or below after every action. This Talisman's effects only activates when equipped to the Khan Eddie, Genghis Khan, Supreme Commander Arakhan or Mongol characters.