(1 Set) Cosmic Oni Passive T1
Grants +20% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 15%. Gain Immunity to Damage and All Negative Effects, including Silver and Unblockable effects, for 1 turn at the start of battle. Gain Charge for 1 turn and inflict 3 Marks on a random enemy for 1 turn at the start of battle and at the start of your turn. Generate 100% Fury after the first round of battle. Permanently Increase MAGIC on self by +100% whenever each enemy is killed for the first time in battle. 50% Chance to counterattack when anyone on your team takes damage. This Talisman's effects only activates when equipped to Oni characters.

(1 Set) Cosmic Oni Passive T2
Grants +30% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 25%. Gain Immunity to Damage and All Negative Effects, including Silver and Unblockable effects, for 1 turn at the start of battle. Gain Charge for 1 turn and inflict 3 Marks on a random enemy for 1 turn at the start of battle and at the start of your turn. Generate 100% Fury after the first round of battle. Permanently Increase MAGIC on self by +100% whenever each enemy is killed for the first time in battle. 50% Chance to counterattack when anyone on your team takes damage. This Talisman's effects only activates when equipped to Oni characters.

(1 Set) Cosmic Oni Passive T3
Grants +50% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 50%. Gain Immunity to Damage and All Negative Effects, including Silver and Unblockable effects, for 1 turn at the start of battle. Gain Charge for 1 turn and inflict 3 Marks on a random enemy for 1 turn at the start of battle and at the start of your turn. Generate 100% Fury after the first round of battle. Permanently Increase MAGIC on self by +100% whenever each enemy is killed for the first time in battle. 50% Chance to counterattack when anyone on your team takes damage. This Talisman's effects only activates when equipped to Oni characters.