(1 Set) Cosmic Storm Herald Passive T1
Grants +20% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 15%. If you’re a Storm-Rider named character, choose a random ally. If that ally is not in your [E267D2]Heraldry[-], they join your [E267D2]Heraldry[-]. If they are part of your [E267D2]Heraldry[-], they become your [E267D2]Champion[-], gaining the following:• Innate Ascension and immunity from Passive Disable Effects for the duration of the battle.
• 30% Chance to grant and Extra Turn, Sacrifice for 1 turn and a unique [E267D2]Heraldry[-] Effect for the duration of the battle to each member of your [E267D2]Heraldry[-] after every action.
If you’re The Storm-Herald, gain the following effects:
• Deal a number of hits of random damage to a random enemy, inflicting the same number of random Silver effects for 3 turns on them equal to the number of times you’ve used Shard-Ring Aegis since you last died, after every action.
• Deal a number of hits of random damage to each enemy equal to the number of times you’ve used Shard-Ring Aegis since you last died, when you die for the first time. If Senjutsu Eddie is on your team when you die, he is granted 'when you die for the first time, if there is only 1 alive enemy, instantly kill that enemy. This doesn’t affect bosses.'
Gain immunity to all beneficial and negative effects for 3 turns at the start of the battle. This Talisman’s effects only activate when equipped to Storm-Rider named characters or The Storm-Herald.
(1 Set) Cosmic Storm Herald Passive T2
Grants +30% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 25%. If you’re a Storm-Rider named character, choose a random ally. If that ally is not in your [E267D2]Heraldry[-], they join your [E267D2]Heraldry[-]. If they are part of your [E267D2]Heraldry[-], they become your [E267D2]Champion[-], gaining the following:
• Innate Ascension and immunity from Passive Disable Effects for the duration of the battle.
• 30% Chance to grant and Extra Turn, Sacrifice for 1 turn and a unique [E267D2]Heraldry[-] Effect for the duration of the battle to each member of your [E267D2]Heraldry[-] after every action.
If you’re The Storm-Herald, gain the following effects:
• Deal a number of hits of random damage to a random enemy, inflicting the same number of random Silver effects for 3 turns on them equal to the number of times you’ve used Shard-Ring Aegis since you last died, after every action.
• Deal a number of hits of random damage to each enemy equal to the number of times you’ve used Shard-Ring Aegis since you last died, when you die for the first time. If Senjutsu Eddie is on your team when you die, he is granted 'when you die for the first time, if there is only 1 alive enemy, instantly kill that enemy. This doesn’t affect bosses.'
Gain immunity to all beneficial and negative effects for 3 turns at the start of the battle. This Talisman’s effects only activate when equipped to Storm-Rider named characters or The Storm-Herald.
(1 Set) Cosmic Storm Herald Passive T3
Grants +50% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 50%. If you’re a Storm-Rider named character, choose a random ally. If that ally is not in your [E267D2]Heraldry[-], they join your [E267D2]Heraldry[-]. If they are part of your [E267D2]Heraldry[-], they become your [E267D2]Champion[-], gaining the following:
• Innate Ascension and immunity from Passive Disable Effects for the duration of the battle.
• 30% Chance to grant and Extra Turn, Sacrifice for 1 turn and a unique [E267D2]Heraldry[-] Effect for the duration of the battle to each member of your [E267D2]Heraldry[-] after every action.
If you’re The Storm-Herald, gain the following effects:
• Deal a number of hits of random damage to a random enemy, inflicting the same number of random Silver effects for 3 turns on them equal to the number of times you’ve used Shard-Ring Aegis since you last died, after every action.
• Deal a number of hits of random damage to each enemy equal to the number of times you’ve used Shard-Ring Aegis since you last died, when you die for the first time. If Senjutsu Eddie is on your team when you die, he is granted 'when you die for the first time, if there is only 1 alive enemy, instantly kill that enemy. This doesn’t affect bosses.'
Gain immunity to all beneficial and negative effects for 3 turns at the start of the battle. This Talisman’s effects only activate when equipped to Storm-Rider named characters or The Storm-Herald.