(1 Set) Cosmic Untamed Passive T1
Grants +20% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 15%. All attacks you make are perfect hits. Reflect 35% of damage taken back to the attacker as random damage based on their MAX HP. When you die for the first time, revive up to MAX HP and grant Immortality or Endure for 1 turn to all allies, and inflict Perfect Heal Block and Perfect Death for 3 turns on all enemies. This Talisman’s effects only activate when equipped to Monsters Bat Eddie, Easter Rabid, Vârcolac, Werewolf and Wolf characters, Guotin 天兽, Chupacabra, Orangutan, Dog and Hound named characters, ‘The Bird’ named characters, Wicker and Owl named characters, Skogkatt named characters, Sandworm characters, Berserker, Minotaurs, Spirit Jaguar, Fenrir, Raven Witch and Yeti characters.
(1 Set) Cosmic Untamed Passive T2
Grants +30% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 25%. All attacks you make are perfect hits. Reflect 35% of damage taken back to the attacker as random damage based on their MAX HP. When you die for the first time, revive up to MAX HP and grant Immortality or Endure for 1 turn to all allies, and inflict Perfect Heal Block and Perfect Death for 3 turns on all enemies. This Talisman’s effects only activate when equipped to Monsters Bat Eddie, Easter Rabid, Vârcolac, Werewolf and Wolf characters, Guotin 天兽, Chupacabra, Orangutan, Dog and Hound named characters, ‘The Bird’ named characters, Wicker and Owl named characters, Skogkatt named characters, Sandworm characters, Berserker, Minotaurs, Spirit Jaguar, Fenrir, Raven Witch and Yeti characters.
(1 Set) Cosmic Untamed Passive T3
Grants +50% increase to all stats in battle. Reduce all damage by 50%. All attacks you make are perfect hits. Reflect 35% of damage taken back to the attacker as random damage based on their MAX HP. When you die for the first time, revive up to MAX HP and grant Immortality or Endure for 1 turn to all allies, and inflict Perfect Heal Block and Perfect Death for 3 turns on all enemies. This Talisman’s effects only activate when equipped to Monsters Bat Eddie, Easter Rabid, Vârcolac, Werewolf and Wolf characters, Guotin 天兽, Chupacabra, Orangutan, Dog and Hound named characters, ‘The Bird’ named characters, Wicker and Owl named characters, Skogkatt named characters, Sandworm characters, Berserker, Minotaurs, Spirit Jaguar, Fenrir, Raven Witch and Yeti characters.