Egg Hunt

Immune to Passive Disable Effects, Stun Effects, Sleep Effects and Fear. Add a random enemy and another random ally to the [E267D2]List at the start of the battle. Enemies on the [E267D2]List permanently reduce All Stats by 50% and are inflicted with Innate Silence and Innate Stop for the duration of the battle. Allies on the [E267D2]List permanently increase All Stats by 50% and are granted Perfect Immunity and Golden Hit for the duration of the battle. When an enemy on the [E267D2]List dies, do the following:• Gain MAX Power and 100% Fury.• Inflict Fear and Perfect Corruption for the duration of the battle on all other enemies.• Permanently increase All Stats of the attacking ally by 100%.• Increase the duration of all beneficial effects, including Golden effects, on the attacking ally by 9. All characters on the [E267D2]List have a 50% Chance to discover an [E267D2]Easter Egg after every action. If they already have an [E267D2]Easter Egg, they instead open it, revealing a random effect! Can only be countered by Passive Disable applied at the start of battle.

Characters that have this Effect